Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Fit for a Prince(ss)

(coffee with unlimited red tea... it's as if they want us to use their facilities)

I am not a coffee drinker by nature or habit, save for a brief stint at the Bo'. I like it OK, but my drink of choice is first water, then tea. Yet the People of Taiwan keep feeding me coffee. Fancy coffee at that. All foamy and what not (except for the one above)-- because it goes with breakfast, chocolate, pizza... the list goes on. Today was so one of the new client-baristas* could practice making cappucinos. Tim had the first cup, found it not frothy enough, and got them to make a second cup for me-- even though I'd drank my iced tea already. Consequently, I'm super alert right now and pumping out entries like it's my job.

*My cousins/uncle run an amazing training school for people with mental retardation (MR seems to be the most PC term at the moment) and they have a bakery cafe in which the clients are involved in every part of the production.
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