Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Da Bears

The woman who took this picture is Taiwanese, so when I asked her to take the picture, I asked her in Mandarin (which is good, since I don't speak Korean). She replied in Mandarin. But perhaps because of Ashley's presence, she also spoke to us in English and asked us to say "cheese," which we did. Her daughter or niece did not know that we spoke Mandarin and kept commenting that we look "really stupid" when we posed like that. That made me want to slap her. So I did.

Addendum to the Post:  When Mother heard the story, she said, "I like the kid.  She's like the kid in the Emperor's New Clothes."  Also, Koreans really like Teddy Bears.  Also, the woman at the Chinese restaurant (at a tourist hub no less) spoke neither English nor Chinese.  And insisted on speaking to me and not Ashley.  Her stubbornness  made ordering incredibly difficult.
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