Sunday, May 08, 2011

Hip in My Step

How hip was I today?  Let me count the ways.

Ironic church attendance?  Check.

(OK, that's not an actual thing and I didn't go ironically, but I wanted it in there.)

Brunch at gastro pub*?  Check.

Stroll through open-air market with  hand crafts, food trucks, and locally procured produce?  Check.

Afternoon coffee at sustainable bakery?  Check.

All done within 0.5 miles of my place?  In a gentrifying neighborhood?  Check, check, and check.   

 I would be disgusted with myself, but I just spent the evening editing papers and making a biostatistics study guide.  So I can sleep at night.

*OK, a little cooler if this was 2004, but whatever, not all of us eat in pop-up restaurants.

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