There I was, this Easter morning, sitting in the packed pews of church, wearing a flowery dress, and the happiest I've been all week. Other than the egg hunt, I used to not like Easter at all. It went with my general distaste for Christmas, the second most important holiday in the Christian tradition. In my young mind, these two holidays were both associated with dressing up in clothes that I was not allowed to kick people in and interminable days in the church. Now that I choose to go to church, now that I don't have to spend all day at church, now that I don't have to be well behaved and say hi to the grown ups, Easter is a joy. It is a day on which I awake excited, remembering what the day means. Plus, it really helps when the church welcome center has a special Easter spread, with all kinds of finger sandwiches and deviled eggs. I got such a kick watching how pleased this old lady in front of me was with the sandwiches that I didn't even mind that she cut in front of me.
(earlier in the week, TChu and Jason, et al crashed our Good Friday service because their church didn't have one, this is an amalgam of our conversations)
Moi: What kind of church doesn't have a Good Friday service?
TChu: A fun one. We're having a party on Easter.
Moi: Do y'alls even believe in Jesus?
Jason: Yeah, but we call him something else.
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