Thursday, April 28, 2011


So many posts in a week.  Could it be finals season?

The governor gave a speech at the school today.  And I got to sit in the second row behind the reserved seat big wigs and watch it all go down.   It was fun to watch one last big shot before I leave.  It was also fun to watch the governor give a talk about health care reform (Massachusetts, the next chapter) to a room of people who know much more about health care policy than he does.  He handled it with good grace.  And made me realize that I don't ever want to be governor if it means memorizing and learning a lot of things outside my area of expertise.  Unfortunately, not everyone is good outside their area of expertise:

(The governor and Prof. B(l)ender are chatting in the atrium, two girls walk by.  It may be helpful for this story to know that Prof. B(l)ender is a white man)

Girl 1: I think we just walked by the governor.

Girl 2: Which one?

Girl 1: Um, your governor, the governor of this state, Deval Patrick.

Girl 2: Duh, well, I know.  I meant which one was he?

(It may also be helpful for this story to know that Deval Patrick is not a white man.  I just googled "Maryland governor" to make sure this doesn't happen to me next year.)

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