Wednesday, February 09, 2011

The Streak Ends Now

I felt very much like a graduate student today. Days like today make me think that I can do this whole doctoral thing. Though I know that days like today are absolute flukes. But I had all the buzz words. Morning check in with adviser. Work on manuscript. Meeting with Whitecastle. Networked with a Hopkins alum (or a "call with Hopkins"). Did some more work. Went to class. Dinner reunion with econ TAs. Came home. Graded papers. Very uncharacteristically productive. Now if I can only resist the urge to slack off or watch TV for five more years...

(updating Prof Papa on my school admittance status)

Moi: ... I got into two so far, rejected from Harvard, still waiting on a couple... so you must have said something right in your letter. Thanks.

Prof Papa: That's exactly what I told them- please admit her, except for Harvard.

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