Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Turkey Trot

I set off a mild panic chain over the weekend when I couldn't find
Prof. Papa's spring course in the catalog. We'd been waiting to take
that class for more than a year, so I headed to his office for
clarification (the man is one of the worst emailers I've ever met).

Moi: Is your injury class every other year?

Prof. Papa: No. Well, it's every other year, then every other year.

Moo: (no words, I just look really confused  I'm good at that.)

Prof. Papa: That means I teach it every year.

Of course, it does. It's not that my life hasn't been great.
Thanksgiving was full of getting enough sleep and eating lots of food
(in take out form, too!  One of my favorites), especially Chinese
food. And catching wii rabbits (surprisingly difficult) and watching
Korean cowboys and having a brother on my couch. But I've also spent
the bulk of the break in my room, editing essays and submitting
applications. Maybe next week, I'll tell you something interesting. In
the meantime, keep living your weary little lives and I'll do the

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