Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Bells I Hear

Before 8:30 AM, access to the computer labs require key access.  Two to three times a week, I'm usually in the labs five to ten minutes after 8:30, so that piece of information never concerned me.  Until today.  When I tried to push the door and it would not budge.  I just leaned on the door for about ten seconds, too tired to comprehend what was happening.  Then I tried pulling the door.  Then leaned in again.  All of this was witnessed by some kid I don't know coming out of the lab, who kindly opened the door for me.  Glad I could make your morning, kid.

In about four hours, my three finals of the day will be over (though the last exam won't be turned in until 1:30PM and class won't end until 3:30PM- oh yes, she's lecturing after the exam but it's OK, my brain shut down as of 9:25PM last night).  I have 0 clean clothes except what I'm wearing (timed it just right).  1 meal left in the fridge/cupboards.  And 2 urgently overdue emails.  Though really, my life isn't that much of a mess.  And I'm thinking I'll celebrate the end of school by going into work early tomorrow to prepare for a meeting I am otherwise unprepared for. 

Be back soon.

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