Thursday, August 20, 2009

Soaring, Tumbling, Freewheeling

So much has happened since yesterday. There is a new 200-m record. The temperature is finally cooling. And oh, I signed up for classes and learned that I have to finish a 250-page accounting work book before classes start. Accounting? I've never had enough money, or thought it might behoove me in the future, to account for anything. Goodbye, sunshine and freedom. It was nice knowing you.

I just cracked the book open and here is what I've learned so far:

Assets are resources owned by a company. Employees are not assets. (In the right hand margins of the book, it states: No one owns humans since the abolition of slavery.)

The statement appears comical in 2 different ways so far. Though I'm sure a third one will come along soon enough.

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