Monday, August 31, 2009

Sunday Best

(We got there pretty early- we don't mess around when it comes to kung fu)
How do I describe last night? My wall mirror fell and revealed just how much $7.99 can buy. I had a headache for most of the afternoon/evening. Bail outs abounded. Life was generally a mess. But then kung fu saved the day. Kung fu always saves the day. It all started with dinner in Chinatown with Liz (!) and Haley. Stinky tofu, dumplings, and noodles: cheap, meaty, and all tasty with a hint of shady- it was pretty much the best kind of meal money can buy.

After dinner, we headed to the Chinatown gate to watch Shaolin Soccer, stopping first at an empty lot and following some of the worst direction posters ever made. But it was a great event. Free movies shown outside. Reviving a Chinatown tradition. Empowering youths. A nice mix of little kids and old people from the neighborhood, normals, community organizers, and loners who like Asian things. Brilliant weather after a weekend of storming. Every piece of the evening was great. And oh, have I mentioned that we were watching Shaolin Soccer? I forgot how long the movie was. And also how absurd. Here's one of my favorite scenes:

After the movie, in the name of supporting community development, I got myself a glow in the dark t-shirt.

Not going to lie: dinner, friends, movie, laughs, kung fu, supporting community... all were great for sure, but this t-shirt takes the cake.
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1 comment:

Liz Boyd said...

Why did I get a (!)? Is it because the summer is over and I can finally stop being a terrible friend?!