Saturday, June 27, 2009

Park & Recreation

That is how I feel right now. Just came back from the opening of the Elmhurst Park and I don't know if you've been to any park openings, but it was just such a goodness-filled event. So many times, community work and non-profit work is of little victories and big setbacks but today was nothing but triumph- the thrill of watching the children cut the ribbon and run onto the playground- moments like that remind you what we work for. Like Glenna said, the park was about loving God and loving neighbors. And even though I'm more of a loose BP "affiliate" nowadays, I could sense the investment the neighborhood had poured into the lot. A lot that I've seen change in the last 10+ years. It was such an honor to witness the park opening, see old friends, eat rice and beans, and celebrate the hard work of the folks at The Boston Project Ministries (as well as many, many other people). I didn't have a camera with me, so the Paint picture will have to do, but green space + sunny Saturday + girls' night last night + Pringles for breakfast + mac n' cheese, sausages, jerk chicken... + BP friends new and old-- my weekend could end right here. I could go back to work this afternoon. And it still would have been the perfect weekend.

1 comment:

Dusty said...

They had just purchased that park when I started there...I guess about 3 months earlier. The first big clean up day was while I was is crazy how much love and constant work the Malkemes and the rest of the BP family poured in to that place...

Makes me wish I could have visited...

I am taking a job in buffalo will be a bit closer to you New Englanders..