Sunday, June 07, 2009

Can't Go Home Again

It's always fun to go home and notice that, no matter how short it's been since I'd been away (the slow death of Dakota the Computer has earned me many trips home the past month), there's always something new to notice- the drapes, a new type of cereal, and oh, yet another framed painting by a child that is not me.  My mom seems to be a collector, these days, of art by kids in the church which she then frames and displays in the house, alongside other prized framed objects such as my brother's diploma and a few favored paintings.  It's not that I don't think displaying diplomas is silly, but if it's going to go up on the wall along with kids' paintings, then I want my rightful place as well.  Heck, she could even display one of my paintings.
Moi: So er, Jeffrey's drawing, huh?  When exactly are my things going to be displayed?
Mother: Didn't I take you to buy frames, isn't that enough?
Moi: Oh yes, thanks for that trip to The Christmas Tree Shop-- we didn't actually buy enough frames. 
Mother: I don't remember where your things are.
Moi: In that pile of frames and awards in my room... very easy to spot.
Mother: It's not like they're pictures.  Maybe if you were adopted we'd hang them up.  Or younger.
Moi: They're only departmental awards.  I understand.
Mother: Maybe one of your old professors would like to adopt you.

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