Thursday, May 28, 2009

Grow Fonder

Dear Blog:
  Remember how I used to keep a blog?  I hardly do.  Eh, what's been happening with my life?  Weekend in the White Mountains, way too much time spent photographying a dinosaur squeak toy, computer down for another week, saw Rove vs. Carville last night, came home to pound a giant lobster with a hammer, hosting a benefit on Saturday, expect some animal cruelty in my future, and oh yes, I am randomly sick.  That's life in a nutshell.  Way too much to tell you, but so little time, so little energy, and so many germs.

Doc Query:... so I found his email address and was able to contact him.

Moi: You out-googled me?

Doc Query: Yeah, I did.  I just wanted to rub that in.

Doc Whitecastle: You've got to put them in their place when they have a chance, you know?

Moi: In case we're not lowly enough?

Doc Whitecastle: It's like making residents cry.

Doc Query: This is the season for it, June, July.  That's when you can still break their spirit.

Did I mention that we save lives for a living?  And change the world?  Do-gooders all around.

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