Monday, April 20, 2009

Traveling Orange

This is not my traveling orange. My traveling orange perished somewhere outside of London, before I had a chance to take a picture. But before it gave itself for my nourishment, it traveled far with me. First from the store to the apartment. Then to New York City. I had intended it for the bus ride, but ended up sleeping the whole way through. And when I got to the City, I was too busy having amazing falafel and cupcake. So it went away with me to Jersey for Katie's wedding. Like I was going to pull out an orange then. So it patiently traveled to Pennsylvania, to Jackie's. Then back to Boston, via New York and Connecticut. Only to have me pack it the next morning and head off to London (I thought I'd have it at the airport). Where I still did not eat the stubborn orange. It was headed to Edinburgh, having arrived at the airport, made it through the checks, and onto the plane, when I decided finally, that I was thirsty, starved, and not about to spend three pounds on a bottle of water. And there on the runway, before we even took off, I finished my little travel orange.
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