Thursday, March 19, 2009

Eat the Words

I don't know why, but I always seem to be going on quests for common household items.  A few years ago, it was finding regular peanut butter in Eddie Bert (hold on, Eddie, I'll see you again soon).  And last night, it was finding milk in Chinatown.  The Chinese grocer by my place always has milk and I assumed that most stores around Chinatown would also carry milk.  Wrong.  There was soy milk.  All kinds of fruit drinks.  Rows upon rows of teas and sodas.  But I had to go to three different grocery stores to find milk, poring through aisles of breakfast dumplings, scallion pancakes, buns, and trying hard to remember why it was that of all of God's delicious breakfast items on earth, I had settled on wanting cereal.  But alas, after walking all over Chinatown (not as impressive as it sounds; Chinatown is very small), I finally walked away with my half gallon of 2%, and a sad realization that New England has changed me irrevocably. 

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