There are a lot of things in the world that only happen to Lenny. Only Lenny, would, for example, get lost getting to my house from the Water Department- on the same road, no turns, just 13 numbers down. Only Lenny would have a lung collapse for no reason. Pass out during an eye exam. Have a finger stuck in the pig heart during a bio test. And yesterday, as only she could, have a boulder smash into her car. Astounding.
Moi: Where do you even find boulders?
Lenny: I was driving along and it rolled down the hill from the farm and destroyed my door.
Moi: That sounds so traumatic. Are you, OK? And could you stop trying to upstage me? I thought getting hit by a Mack truck was impressive.
Lenny: I'm OK. And you still win with crossing three lanes of traffic to land in a ditch.
Moi: I will give you points for creativity though. That was impressive.
Lenny: You have no idea how long I had to train those squirrels to get the boulder moving.
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