Monday, March 30, 2009

And Henshaw, Too

Dear Self:
If you didn't have milk today because you didn't go to the grocery store yesterday, and you didn't go to the store today, you won't have milk tomorrow either. Let me break this down to you: grocery shopping = breakfast.

-Sincerely Starving

Dear Applicant:
I don't know if you were being serious or hilarious (in which case, well done), but I applaud the portion of your brain that thought to list 'dofu maker' and 'progressive Jewish poetry' as relevant experiences on your resume.

-Sincerely Soy Impressed
(oh, come on, props for being clever on so many levels there!)

Dear KaCo:
It took a second and a click of the mouse to figure out who you are. But I guess the gelato wasn't the best I've ever had in the world. Just the best I've had on this side of the Mississippi. We could even narrow it down to the best in the American Northeast. It felt so nice and delicious in my colon.

-Sincerely Screaming for Gelato

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