Friday, February 13, 2009

Mature Content Warning

The RAs (OK, Young Bo' and I) thought it'd be cute to make Valentines for everyone in the office as part of a big brownie points sweeps week.  So we did.  But as Young Bo' was taping 2 Hershey Kisses to each heart cutout yesterday, she realized that they looked… bosomy, standing next to each other like that.  She was skeptical whether we should stick with that configuration but I assured her that the Division was more mature than that, and plus, 2 Hershey Kisses together could look like any number of things, such as 2 neurotransmitters.  This morning, most people seemed to not notice the resemblence and really appreciate our kiss-ass (and kick-ass) Kisses.  Then again, most people are not Sister Claire...

Sister: Are you handing out stripper candies?

Young Bo': That's what I thought, too, but she said it was OK.

Sister: I think to her, strippers are OK.

Moi: Hey, those candies could look like eyes, or neurotransmitters.  I thought people were more mature than this.

Sister: If only I could get these paper strips to twirl like tassels, they'd really look like it.  Thanks for the stripper candies, guys.

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