Friday, February 06, 2009

Cane and Enabler

When I get ridiculous food cravings (i.e. when I don't want to work), I need someone with the good senses to set me straight.  Young Bo' is not that person.  She is what you would call an "enabler."

Moi: I want a bag of chips right now. 

Young Bo': Oh, I'll split it with you.

Moi: And wings.

Young Bo': Chicken tenders.

Moi: No, ribs.

Young Bo': Chicken tenders with BBQ sause.  From Thorne.

Moi: Popcorn chicken from Thorne.

(the next 4 minutes are spent discussing the merits of chicken tenders and popcorn chicken from Thorne)

Moi: Why do we do this to ourselves?

Young Bo': For the memories.

PS. I forget sometimes that not everyone went to the Bo'.  Thorne is one of 2 dining halls at the Bo', and much preferred by people with good taste.

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