Friday, December 05, 2008

Odds and Ends

Wanted to get out a compilation from the work week before I left for the weekend:

It's Good to be Wanted

Earlier this week, Sister Claire noticed that the dark vs. white Thanksgiving poll was still up.  It did not please her. 

Sister Claire: Now that you're a published author, you're too busy to change the board?  (Her success rate is so high that, sometimes, I feel like Sister Claire stops by just to make it into these entries, and oh, now that Thanksgiving is over, the fugitive wild turkeys in her neighborhood have returned)

It's Good to Pay Attention in Sunday School

Remember the Great Zacchaeus Debate of '06?  An update: according to Thomas the Irishman, Zacchaeus was a "very little man."  And Jesus did go over his house for tea.  Why are the Brits and Irish so strange?  And why can't they accept him as a wee one?

It's Good to Be Young

Yesterday, Young Bo' and I put up a picture of Zac Efron under a new feature of the white board, "What the Kids Are Into."  But the young heart throb was not well received as apparently no one in the Division, even those with kids, had ever heard of him.  So today, we replaced Zac with a poll on favorite Ma Query desserts (Doc Query brought in a trio this week), but Jen was not pleased with the shift.  (By the by, let me just say that I'm glad I've never met Ma Query because if I ever do, I just might be compelled to kiss her for her magical baking) 

Jen P: But I want to know what the kids are into.

Moi: You'll have to wait for part 2 of the series to come out then.

Jen P: Josh and I find this very helpful.  We feel we're out of touch.

And It Feels Good to be a Reader of the Times

(the Bo' alums, we took some time out of our stories and mockery lunch today and talked books)

Moi: I was re-reading Salinger's Franny and Zooey just a few days ago.  Reading that liberal, Northeast elitism, it just felt so-

Laura: Comfortable?

Moi: Yeah!  I loved it.

Ah, the Bo'.  I'm so glad that you fashioned dozens of kids who are just like me.

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