Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Today was a crazy day at work, a day of extreme highs and lows and now, with the work day over, I'm not sure how it all averages out. Just like I'm not sure all my aches and time were really worth it for this beautiful view. (Eh, it probably was)

On the one hand, free lunch today. On the other, free lunch was awful. On my third hand, free lunch was awful but Chief's leftovers from a previous meeting were not and would make a great free lunch tomorrow. There was updating Doc Query on our review and learning that I may be able to participate in a semi-meaningful way. Then the realization that before that happens, I need to set up an invoice account of pain and death. There was killing a bug with a blink. Bland coffee. Massive confusion. Not moving ahead on my projects. And staying late to help Young Bo' with a time-sensitive task-- one that involved the switching of many computers, renaming of files, and that wretched pond scum that is EndNote. I am never naming a child EndNote. But there was also the thrill of finally understanding a research conference. Successful sucking up. And oh, Doc Brown's magical talk to the RAs. It was on the recent history of the pharmaceutical industry and he talked about negotiation of power and social and historical contexts, and oh, it may have caused Young Bo' and I to gush over it afterwards, with such enthusiastic utterances as, "It made me feel like I was in class again!" and "that was the type of stuff I loved about school!" You can take the nerd out of school, but you can't take the... (that phrase worked a lot better in my head)
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