Saturday, September 27, 2008

Points of Debate

Reason #3 I was back up North, I was craving a greasy clam cake sandwich with tomato and mayo for under two dollars:
Fat Boy. It's a shame there is only one of you. It's also a shame that an hour after this picture was taken, I was sick to my stomach in the restroom, though I maintain that it was due to a stomach virus earlier in the day. It's just too bad that such an experience had to share the same day as that greasily crunchy sandwich.

Some people spend their Friday nights partying with friends. Lisa likes a quiet evening with Jim Lehrer.

It's not really her fault. Sesame was jumping for us to go to Joshua's, but we were tired and lame and I was near hypothermic because my socks were wet. So instead, we stayed in for a nerd party and watched the debate together, like the cultured and educated alums that we are. It may have been geeky, but I love hanging out with these people. Especially post-graduation Sesame, who's all about pressuring people to liquor up.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

who is that dashing young man whose tie imitates mine?