Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Making the Cut

One of the new games we like to play in the youth group is called "List of Affections." Like "Whose Brother Am I?," "The Quiet Game," and "(American) Indian Poker," the game is a non-stop ride in exhilaration. Players list people they like in order, often to the protest of everyone else. I should probably get it patented before everyone else and their mothers start playing.

I am not on my mother's short list of affections. Xinxin probably is. She's about to enter first grade and on Sunday night drew 2 pictures for my mom of the Olympic mascots. The 2 pictures, let me just point out, are pretty much copies of each other. And the 2nd one wasn't even signed. At Dan's party, the adults had to pass the picture around the room as everyone oohed and aahed over it.

Last night, I came home to discover that the picture was already framed and hanging in our living room wall. It took my parents a couple of months just to buy the frames for all my awards and my one lone diploma. And none of them are hanging yet on any wall. Most aren't even in frames.

Moi: That's funny. All my pictures and awards and diplomas are still sitting in my room. And you put hers up within a day.

Mother: If you were entering 1st grade, we'd put your things up, too.

(she said, standing in front of my brother's diploma on the mantle)

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