Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sun Never Sets

Almost forgot this little story until today. Like I said before, when our youth group was down at BP, we were paired with a group from North Carolina. After our night off, a couple of guys from the North Carolina group came back with "tattoos" they had gotten at Fanueil Hall, tattoos that they gladly showed off. They were matching Chinese characters and the guys were especially eager for our youth group to see it and give our approval.

NC Boy 1: What does this say?

Jeannie: English.

NC: What? The characters are in Chinese, right?

Jeannie: It says "English."

NC: What!? The guy said it says Power!

Moi: Well... it could also be the root word for bravery, or hero... but mainly it means British.

(later, we're going around the circle sharing our rose and thorn of the day, our high and low points...)

NC Boy 1 (dejectedly): Finding out that [this tattoo] says British hero when we thought it said power...

Oh, precious, precious white little suburban boys. You guys were awesome to spend a week with.

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