Thursday, May 15, 2008

Port is Near

Commencement is next week. Everyone who is anyone is going to be there, especially a sizable chunk of my class. Which is why I'm going up to the Bo' this weekend. Hooray for my inflexible schedule. The same flawless logic also led me to miss homecoming but hey, some Bo' is better than no Bo' at all. And next weekend will be so commencement-centric that I won't get to enjoy B-wick as much as I would this weekend (so I tell myself). Enjoying brunch after breakfast, relying on my friends to drive me around, being at a place I know inside out- where people say hi to you by name- it'll just be like the old times.

In other news, Dr. Bob shares an office with Dr. Tall. At least he did until today. When he decided to take up the empty cubicle next to me. Many people passed him in the hall today and said, oh why, Dr. Bob? Why are you out here with the plebeians? And Dr. Bob explained that he had a very nasty cold and did not want to get Dr. Tall sick. Which is why he chose instead of park his stuff next to my cubicle. Where there are no doors to keep away the germs. Thanks, Dr. Bob. You are a considerate soul.

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