Tuesday, April 01, 2008

O Canadia

The air is warm, the days are longer, and the doctors are feeling smug. Today during our research conference (aka weekly free lunch), just about everyone was making wise cracks, including one at the expense of dear sacred alma mater, who has never done anything to deserve such ridicule.

(on Scandinavian regulators)

Whitecastle: That's right, they don't have anything better to do. They're in Scandinavia.

Moi: Said the man from Canada.

Whitecastle: Hey, Canada is a very nice country. Plus, you went to school in Maine. That's even worse. What's in Maine?

Moi: Hey, we're a good six hours from the border! And we're a part of the United States.

(later, everyone is trying to decipher table abbreviations)

Doc Gollum: OP is probably outpatient, HO for hospitalization, HD for hospital death, I don't know what RI is.

Whitecastle: RI is Rhode Island.

Doc Gollum: Right, they got sent to Rhode Island.

Doc Query: That's worse than hospital death.

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