Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Bell Tolls

Lisa, Jess, and I are apparently an island onto ourselves. This morning, I received a cover letter with a sentence so badly written I found it hilarious. I believe I compared it to "manna that does not rot the next day." Jess and Lisa agreed. Everyone else in the world, however, failed to see the humor. Lisa even took a poll at work. Nobody else thought the sentence was stupid silly. Everyone else saw it as just a stupid punctuation error. I'll let you decide which camp you fall under (let me know, I may have to reconsider some friendships):

"I also, enjoy working with women and children."

I can't believe I have to interview someone who would write that. But I've been told that I am "too harsh a critic" of the applicants' writing (Gak, it will hurt your eyes to look at them). Nothing the CPC has taught me is holding true in this job search. Maybe the Bo' did turn me into a snob...

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