Thursday, February 14, 2008

Scone Scorned

Ranwei Ranwei Ranwei.  (that was for kicks.  Hi, Ranwei.)

More often than not, if something tastes moldy, it's because it is moldy.  Was eating my morning scone this morning when I thought something was amiss.  For some reason I chose to attribute that to the lemon rinds in the scone because I couldn't figure out why else it would taste moldy.  Until I looked down and saw mold.  Oh. 

On the bright side, I marched into Stop & Shop and got my money back without hassel.  (I'd bought the scones a couple of days ago but its sell by date is today).  I even made a penny in the process because they figured it was easier to give $4.00 back than $3.99.  Which also means that I ate the first few scones for free.  Another bright spot: Doc Nice assured me that I would not die.  Ever.  Fine, he said I wouldn't die from mold, whatever.  On the downside, I have to start buying the expensive JP Licks scones again instead of the cheap surpermarket kind.  And Doc Nice's name doesn't fit like a glove. 

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