I hopped onto a moving train yesterday. It was fun. Sure, it was just leaving the station and there were no hostages to be rescued on board, but hey, I don't see you jumping onto moving trains lately.
And today? I used a copier today that also served as a scanner from which I could email myself what I scan into the machine. Golly bee, what will they think of next? It has been so long since I've marveled at the simple wonder that is a xerox machine and so long since I've enjoyed myself making perfectly straight copies of just the right tone. And to do all that today plus email myself journal articles from the copier- well, I don't know what I want to be when I grow up, or what tests I should be preparing myself for, but all is well because I know that tomorrow morning, I'm going to wake up, go back to the medical library, and make copies. I cannot wait. And hope this task never ends.
In our Snippy Segment du Jour: Whitecastle thinks Quizno commercials slamming his Subway subs are "stupid."
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