But once in awhile, I bear one grievance too many and indignities come bubbling up. Today, it was when a girl at work mentioned the "SARS masks" I had brought back "from China." Coming back from Taiwan, I brought back cute face masks, like the one the lady is wearing below, for a few colleagues because the masks are adorable, unique to Asia, and because I work with germaphobes. They were worn in Taiwan long before and after SARS and is as natural and prevalent part of the culture as mittens are in the States.

"Whatever," she said with a smile, "you're all from the same part of the world." She tried to say it like a joke, but I was brewing an anger so strong that the flames were far past red and blazing an ashen white. I am not nitpicking when I point out the difference between China and Taiwan. It is a difference beyond night and day, but one between Communism and Democracy. Industrializing and post-industrial. World's most populous country and one slightly smaller in area than Delaware and Maryland combined. Oppression and freedom. I can understand ignorance. But I'm pissed off by her unwillingness to be corrected and learn time after time. I guess it's another form of ignorance. I hate writing long, boring posts about things like this, but I feel like sharing, even if I'll regret it tomorrow. If I don't record this, I feel like I'm letting her off the hook. And forgiveness isn't coming easy tonight.
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