My favorite breakfast food, mantou, being pulled out of a steamer. This vendor only makes two batches of dumplings and steamed breads a day and each batch usually sells in two hours.
Now on an unrelated note...
Took a much needed afternoon break at work on Thursday with fellow new-ish research assistance Jen. I've been working for five months and have not witnessed the slightest whiff of conflict or scandal. Everyone is civil and professional to the point that when Jen and I chat, we talk how much we like everyone in the division (except for Xenophobe and Humorless) and which faculty has the most interesting research. But it was such sweet relief toward the end of our conversation, griping about the work day away from the office, when we both, after some hemming and hawing, finally blurted out the one flaw to our division:
"Well... and again, she's really nice and we talk a lot, but sometimes when I talk to her, I don't know how to end the conversation..."
"Because there are always a lot of pauses? But then she'll think of something and start talking again?"
"Yes! I thought I was the only one!"
Oh. Sweet validation. It's really isn't me. It's them. This gig is so not going to help me with social graces.
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