I don't think anyone who reads this will remember, but I can dream, can't I? So this morning, I was looking through my mom's computer because she called me from Taiwan to find a few vague files for her ("he may have emailed it to me, or maybe it's on disks, or CDs, or in my computer? 2004? 2003? 2005? I don't know. And if you can't find it on the computer, I have the hard copies in a folder downstairs... somewhere... so you could scan them for me...?"), and I came upon a reference to the greatest LYF game ever invented:
Whose Brother Am I?
It's a deceptively simple game we made up circa summer '03. For example, someone would say "I killed my brother to found Rome, whose brother am I?" And the answer would be "Remus" because Remus is Romulus's brother. That was perhaps the most confusing example I could have used, but the first one that popped into my head. I think in a level of complexity far above everyone's. For those of you who think in simpler terms, the answer to "I played a gay cowboy" would be Maggie Gyllenhal. Or any of Heath Ledger's siblings. The game is most fun played without famous names, though, among a group of friends, as we imitate each other, pick on each other's little quirks, and complain about how stupid the game is. It's amazing how many people get tripped up by the rules and answer incorrectly. And the only children of the world always feel left out of the game, but whatever, they should just shove it and go play with all those toys that the rest of us never got to have.
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