Saturday, October 06, 2007

Goodbye for Now

I am sitting next to two fools in the local library who are having trouble finding four sources for a paper on Lincoln.  It makes me sad knowing that they go to one of the better high schools in the state.  And that judging by appearances, they're probably two of the better students at school (they look very B+).  They've tracked down one book, but can't figure out where exactly it is.  The fools are stuck on "how they (the library) organize this (books)."
My internet is down.  Again.  This makes life very inconvenient.  Especially when I need to read emails in Chinese.  But that's OK, because I'm going off to Taiwan on Columbus day.  So I probably won't blog for awhile.  Did I forget to tell you ahead of time?  Apparently, I've been forgetting to tell a lot of people.  Last weekend at the Bo', full of eating out and not moving much at all earned me about three pounds of flesh.  I wonder what two weeks of excess will do and I can't wait to find out.

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