Sunday, September 30, 2007

Upward Bound

Went back to the Bo' this weekend and had a most excellent time. Stopping by Riley House, helping out with Common Good Day, breakfasts at Grand City, giving people directions, post-General Hospital Taco Bell run, meeting people at parties, sacreligious Sunday brunch, chatting with Mac and BSketch, mildly drinking with Gak... it all felt as if I never left. In a very good way.

One new experience this weekend, however, was the awesome feeling of being the oldest person at a party by only a year. Had I been amongst kids older than I am, I would have enjoyed many jokes at my expense as I tried to act cool, had it been a party of true friends and peers, we would have had a great time enjoying each other's presence, and had I been with people much younger, I would not have enjoyed myself at all. But being at a party with kids all a year younger than I am, everyone enjoyed my presence. They looked excited to see me. Impressed by the fact that I've graduated and found a job. And very eager to hear my grown-up wisdom. There were no belittling comments about being back too soon or being a nerd for the Common Good, just admiration for being ever so slightly older than my now senior friends. So people look for booze to make their parties memorable, I look for misguided respect.
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