Friday, September 28, 2007

Super Suave

Following a Bo' reunion of great proportions, I crashed at Mac and TimmyCake's place last night.  Thus when I started my day this morning, I started at their place.  Where I discovered a testosterone packed bathroom (with the cutest sink ever- it's in the corner and tiny and you have to lean over the toilet to get there).  They had no hair dryers.  But instead, there were Suave Shampoo and Conditioner FOR MEN (their emphasis, not mine).  Suave body wash FOR MEN.  Razors for MEN.  and surprisingly, Denture Cleaners FOR MEN.  I didn't need the last two, but with no fragrant flowery shampoos of my own on hand, had to help myself to some shampoo, conditioner, and body wash.  And now I smell both Suave and manly.  But what else is new?

So Suave am I, in fact, that I made a memorable impression at an important meeting today with faculty from our division and outside vendors.  And really, God planned the whole thing pretty perfectly so that my pen, which I often spin, spun out- and though I normally catch my pens, this one slipped away and dropped- and by some great feats of physics it dropped onto my cup below- a ceramic cup I never bring into the conference room and had actually just moments before switched in place of a paper cup.  And not only did the pen drop onto the cup but it landed in such a way as to create a crisp and loud PING right as our division chief was delivering his summary remarks, causing all to pause and stare at me as I tried to act as I smell.  What were the odds, Lord Jesus!?

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