Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Breakfast of Milk and Honey

One of these days, I will stop talking about food. But unless this flow-chart I'm editing at work suddenly becomes really fascinating, tales of food it is. At the office, kind souls occasionally bring in candies, cake, or tomatoes fresh from the garden to share with the division. This morning Aaron- who's been bringing in so much food lately it's almost as if he's compensating for something and I really wouldn't be surprised if I saw him on the evening news tonight- brought in honey cake.

When I went to grab a slice in the kitchen area, I saw that 'Whitecastle' (first name too googleable), who's doing this wicked cool study that gives folks who have heart attacks free drugs, was getting his morning coffee.

Whitecastle: How're you doing?

Moi: A lot better now with this honey cake. How are you?

Whitecastle: A lot better without that honey cake.

Moi: Oh please, honey cake is legitimate breakfast food.

Whitecastle: That thing is filling up your coronary arteries. You went to school in Maine, didn't you?

(Totally uncalled for and irrelevant shot at the alma mater! Alma mater is sacred and hath done nothing to deserve this!)

Moi: Whatever. I hear they're giving out free heart drugs.

Whitecastle: (silenced by my brilliance)

For the record, that's:
Responsible Eating: 0.
Breakfast of Bubble Tea, Digestives, Quarter Cup of Yogurt (had to get in my calcium and fruit), and Honey Cake: 1.

PS: Lucy. It's on.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YES. life is good. with balls. i'm coming to town on the 29th and 30th, then again on the 5th and 6th. SO MANY OPTIONS. also, more options will follow these, so pressure = unnecessary.