Sunday, August 26, 2007

LobstahFest 2007

The event used to be called LobsterFest 2007, until Holly reminded me of my place and suggested the more apropos LobstahFest.

Yesterday, Sarah and I schooled the Dorchester Three in eating lobster. They had apparently never been to country clubs or yachts or schools with $47K tuition (just went up $2000 this year) and had thus never learned how to properly dismember lobsters.

Note Sarah's claw as she explains to Dwighters the best way to remove the lobster tail- her favorite part. (As she explains, she likes some of that "hot lobster ass.")

We also played my smoothest round of Scrabble ever. I lost, as I often do when I'm not playing my dad, but it was glorious nonetheless. There was also Boggle after Scrabble, but I won't bore you with how that went down. Just remember, unless your name starts with P and ends in -eter Majeed, I could probably take you in Boggle.

Of course, the afternoon wasn't all nerdy word games. There was also a surprise pinata from Kat and Jackie (our Scrabble champ).

A doe-eyed cow pinata.

that we broke open with my mom's exercise equipment.

Best LobstahFest ending ever.
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1 comment:

Dusty said...