Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Special Commute

The 7:18 train was delayed this morning. And when it did show up, it was shorter than usual. I felt silly riding on the short bus. But it was a really long short bus because it was a train. That was almost poetic of me.

Some notes to self:

A. However delicious Vietnamese coffees are, you are too old to be drinking espressos with dinner.

B. When a supervisor says that a doc has "interesting detective work" for you, do not get overexcited, as the doc only wants you to call medical records. People who work in medical records, by the way, are "just angry paper pushers who are really anal," which was probably why the doc had you made the call in the first place.

C. Stick with pack lunches from Mother, however 4th grade they make you feel. There are apparently rats all over the hospital cafes and office buildings.

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