Sunday, July 29, 2007

BP Reunion Debrief

I was not coerced into writing this post in any way.

(Nate Dawg, Jackie, and Dwighters)

The summer of 2004, which I spent with the Boston Project, was one of the best times of my life. That summer, I was pushed to grow, serve and forge relationships in an incredible way. When the summer came to an end, I worried about how quickly the experience would fade from me and when the ties I'd form with my co-workers - people who cut bagels (Katie) and split oranges (G-Pak) for me- would fray. After all, what common ground did we have other than those ten tiring weeks together? How far could inside jokes take us?

My questions were answered yesterday, when I hung out with a few BP vets. Turns out, even outside of BP, there were plenty of things we could talk about and do together, like making out. We also traded Alfredo recipes (don't trust the Mennonites), toured Joey Fatone's crib, ran around in the pouring rain, caught pneumonia, and shared inappropriate zoo stories. Below are some pictures from my super fantastic earth boggling and mind shattering BP Saturday, pictures that I was not obliged or pressured to post here in any way...

(P.S. Dusty, your friend Dwight is alive and well. I saw him with my very eyes. He is a little pink though. I couldn't tell if he was feverish, sun burnt, or if that was his natural complexion.)

Nate takes the most flattering of pictures.

Katie, censored by the Triscuit box.

I don't know why Nate only took pictures of busts and bottoms, but inside those jeans lie a very special band aid.
Would somebody please pay attention to the boy?
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