Thursday, June 07, 2007

Walden-ford II

More from my walk in the woods:

Who needs Maine when you can get scenery like this at home? Like I've said for years, once you've seen one tree, you've pretty much seen them all.

We saw this geese family cross the street. Our hearts were warmed. (Sneaky subliminal message #1: Gak, it is imperative that you insist that it was I, not Sesame, that got you the Bo' job. Your future wealth rests upon the fact.)

My mother being silly.
Mother: You really get a kick out of unflattering pictures, huh?
Moi: Why yes, yes I do.

(Subliminal message #2: Dusty, I'm quite saddened and nay, disappointed, that job security ranks higher on your priority list than visiting the great northeast. I guess I will see you when I see you.)

Whenever I see this picture, I think this would be an awesome setting for an old frontier movie about cowboys, outlaws, and... water departments in the woods.

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1 comment:

Dusty said...

Sorry to disappoint you...I will be in Boston again, if I have any say in the matter, in the not too distant future. Perhaps even this fall yet.