Friday, June 01, 2007

Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall

One of Mother's most frequent criticisms of us is that we are too arrogant. She describes a lot of people as arrogant. This morning, I asked her to name someone that she did not consider arrogant. Here's who made the short list:

1. Me (She was just saying that. She doesn't actually believe this.)
2. Mother

Moi: What about Jesus?

Mother: He is God, not man.

Moi: While on earth he was fully man and fully God. And he was pretty humble.

Mother: Maybe Ginger (my mother's good friend) should go on the list.

Moi: Is that before or after Jesus?

Mother: Doesn't matter, as long as she comes before me.

Mother's Revised List of the Four Most Humble of the Land:

1. Me
2. Ginger
3. Mother
4. Jesus

Beat that, Jesus.

1 comment:

Dusty said...


My trip to boston has been, well hopefully, postponed...I am looking into another work opportunity in Indiana, and I need the vacation days for potential interview days...