Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Robert, I don't think that was a good stare coming from the girl...

Two favorite pictures from this year.

It's Tuesday and I am still cleaning my room. It's apparently a very large room. Summer is here and the bed and breakfast season has once again begun for our household. We have been home (parents included, they just came back from a loooong trip overseas) for less than a week and we've already had one overnight guest come and pass. We have another visit scheduled tomorrow and a big weekend ahead of us. The guest that came and left was a college friend of my dad's. We took her out for Brazilian barbeque. She wasn't impressed, but I almost always thoroughly enjoy a good Brazilian barbeque, especially the pudim at the end. I love it when Brazilian food reminds me of home in so many senses of the word. Spending the day with my parents and their friend, listening to them catch up and reminisce, made me feel ok about leaving the Bo'. Yes, it sucked that I spent the day away from my friends, going to the Christmas Tree Shop, tagging along with old people, and cleaning my room. I would have much rather spent it at the Bo'. But these old people gave me hope that my goodbyes last Saturday weren't final and that our promises really stand a chance of being kept. Sure, there will be moments when reality will strike and I will miss the Bo' terribly because the real world is hard and my far future is uncertain, but we are all growing up together and becoming our own people and that's pretty cool, too.

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