Monday, December 11, 2006

Trix are for Kids

Silly first years...

(BCF girls discussing how hard Band Man's 101 class is in comparison to J-Lo's. Now Band Man's classes, work intensive as they are, have been among the most rewarding I've taken at the Bo', both in terms of materials learned and grades.)

Connie: Yeah, I was reading over the syllabus, J-Lo only assigned us three books. In [Band Man]'s class, he had nine on the syllabus!

Moi: Oh no, nine books!?

Connie: AND he assigned a seven-page paper!

Moi: I think you guys just killed me a little inside.

And silly senior...

Remember those soc candidate talks I complain about about once a year? Lots of professors, very few students, very intense? It's senior year, I've grown even closer with the professors and even used to seeing ten of them in contrast to one of me. So what could possibly go wrong? Oh, I don't know. Perhaps reading the email wrong and showing up to the talk half an hour late, not have a seat, have the entire talk interrupted, the candidate pause, and all the professors (eleven from the Bo' this time) stare at me as one of them clears off a chair for me, off to the side of the room, away from the table? Maybe that. Riles smirked a little when she saw me walk in. Not embarassing at all, no. Very suave move.

1 comment:

Claire said...

I remember when I was a senior and you were a silly first year. :)