Saturday, November 25, 2006

I Am Your Mother

This morning, Taiwan tops the headlines in the NYTimes. Here, for you nonsubscribers, is the cheerful opening:
At times, Taiwanese politics is a blend of opera and blood sport, and this is one of those times. Scandal and outrage, lying and humiliation — all of it messy and delivered in a loud, public fashion — are consuming political life here, as a virtual death watch has settled over the second term of President Chen Shui-bian.
Is the government ridiculous? Yes. But not unlike many other democracies we know.

Speaking of nonsubscribers, Mother succinctly summarized her thoughts on the NYT: "It's just big words." Oh, Bo, you have made me such a snob.

At brunch (not because we're the type of family that eats brunch, but because we were hungry at 10:30am and it is unlikely that Mother will make us lunch), Father commented on how Patriots Coach Bill Belichick's sweatshirt reminded him of Luke Skywalker, thus leading us all down Geek Lane. Father and Mother remembers the characters in a combination of translated and English names...

Moi: ... you mean Obi Wan Kenobi?
Mother: Yeah, Obi Wan. What are they called? That type of good guys?
Moi: Jedi?
Mother: Are Jedis ninjas?
Father: No, no, no.
Mother: What are they then?
Father: They're just Jedis. Jedis are Jedis; ninjas are ninjas.

And that, was my favorite sentence of the day.

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