Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Parting Glass

I have eaten a heart attack, people. Actually, a heart attack and a half. And that is why, before I go to bed tonight, I am writing you this entry. For if it falls unto my lot that you should rise and I should not, then I'll getnly rise and softly call, good night and joy be with you all.

It all started with brunch here, at Grand City Variety. Grand City is the diner/variety store in town where the elderly love to frequent.

I did not take this picture. Amazing Photographer Drew ('06) did, I just stole it from google. For brunch, I had egg over easy, some extremely buttery white toast, home fries, and my favorite diner food ever- corned beef hash. For dessert, there was homemade apple pie a la mode. There's good diner food, then there's Grand Variety. I think the pie is the only thing there they actually made from scratch.

Then there was dinner. To start off, the establishment I ate at is called Fat Boy's. It's a drive-in greasy spoon that's cheap and part of a long local tradition.

These pictures would have been more fun had Mac and I not been ditched by everyone on their planet and their mothers for dinner. It's hard not to look like a stalker when you're snapping pictures and there's only one other person beside you. That's why I quickly took these and started chomping. Plus, it started raining. I had fries and a fried clam cake sandwich slathered generously with mayo and butter. And the thickest coffee frappe this side of the Mississippi. Note the use of 'frappes' instead of 'milkshake.' We're in New England, baby.

As if those two meals were not bad enough, there was a BCF co-sponsored movie tonight, and with it, cotton candy, buttery popcorn, and hot cider. And I may have bought some Pringles to "balance out the sweetness." Honestly, I am not sure if my heart will be ok. But hey, if my heart does fail, I'd be excused from my physics problem sets. So really, whatever should happen, it's a win-win situation.

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