Sunday, September 17, 2006

Not UnCommon Ground

Today was the Bo's annual Common Good Day, where once again, record numbers of student, faculty, staff, and friends signed up for a day of service in our local area. I'm actually pretty proud of my office for what they pulled of this year, 500 participants (we've only got 1677 kids total) and most impressively, sunshine on Common Good Day for the first time in four years. The weather was so good that we were actually at a loss for words, for actions, for anything. We've never seen sunshine like this in September. I just wanted to snap pictures so I could show you how ridiculously beautiful my tiny campus can be when it's not snowing. And when I'm not going to classes. Or doing any work. Oh, a it was a day of friends (some surprising, others not so much), service (I got to relive my BP glory days and lead a painting project), followed by free food. And if I hadn't spent the last three hours reading and doing school work, it really would have been the perfect day.

Quite possibly the best morsel of food from our 'Best in the Country' dining services. This eggplan brie sandwich, which I've only had on three separate Common Good Days, pretty much makes the Bo's skyrocketing tuition worthwhile. We may have stolen eight of them. And those eight may or may not be sitting in our fridge right now.

View from the registration table I was stationed at, looking onto a piece of our quad and the renovated chapel.

A pair of legs, a curious Emily, and a sturdy oak. What more do you need me to say? Roommate Amy (not to be confused with me) is holding her breath as Mike prepares to fart on her.

After our all-you-can-eat dinner tonight, (not that every meal in the dining hall isn't all-you-can-eat, but this was a free meal at an outside restaurant, thus making it extra special.) new and old roommates are discussing my eating habits.

(old) Lisa: Yeah, I remember that you can really eat.
Moi: When did I eat a lot in front of you? I tried not to eat too much in public.
(old) Lisa: No, I've seen you eat a lot.
(new) Amy: You do!? We've got to have an eating contest.

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