My question of the week: Favorite root vegetable?
Before you answer, remember that to qualify as a 'root vegetable,' the item must be both a root and a vegetable. Shallots, for instance, Tim's proud answer after many minutes of silent meditation, is a great example. Things that do not constitute as root vegetable (despite some ridiculous protests)? Peanut, pineapple, and pumpkin. Especially the pineapple, man, not even close.
It's been a crazy week. And the semester is just starting. The hours are just disappearing from me. I'm drastically cutting down on my updates. And life outside of work, classes, and physics problem sets in general.
Plus, my life is riddled with crises. There are too many freshmen for my little brain to wrap around. Mysterious hooks hang from my ceiling. And I have a new tendency to accidentally wear the same outfit as the people around me, most noticeably Roomate Amy (not to be confused with me) and of course, Vita-K.
On the plus side, I have yet to fall asleep reading in library this week. That may or may not be due to the fact that I haven't had the time to go to the library or do any of my readings this, but whatever. I'd like to focus on positive side.
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