Yesterday, had a facial at a salon (because luxuries at home are affordable here). I don't know what it is about dentists, orthodontists, hair dressers, or cosmetics people. But they don't like me. People that have to touch me, especially. Doctors treat me ok, except for that time that they locked me in the exam room for an hour, but for the most part, we tight. All those other professions, however, tend to disapprove of me. I'm sure it's them though, and not me.
It's always that myteeth are not clean enough, straight enough, or my hair grows funny and goes against the grain or my pores are clogged and never their fault. I find this quite hard to believe. Especially considering by the appearances of the lady that gave me the facial; I'm pretty sure her skin isn't that nice either. Now, for many people, facials are relaxing and wonderful and refreshing. But not so if you apparently have the worst skin since God said 'let there be.' Those ladies tortured the life out of my little head and I left with patches of red all over my face. That's right, I looked worse off after my facial than before. That's just the type of special customer that I am.
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