Sunday, June 18, 2006

Sweet Scent of Success

I have been in Beijing for the past couple of days and seen some famous sights. Here are my final thoughts before I leave for the boonies later today:

The Palace Museum? Reeks of paint.

The Great Wall? Reeks of urine in many places. And I cannot believe that they didn't have cable cars until a few years ago. Thank God for the cable cars.

The Ming Tombs? Reeks of moldy basement with a slight touch of urine.

Speaking of urine, am thinking of the bathrooms of the northwest with increasing trepidation. Apparently, I should be hoping for holes in the ground because they at least don't smell or look as scary as really dirty and run-down indoor ones. With advice like that, well, what's there to fear?

Oh, they won't let me upload pictures so er, learn to use your imaginations, people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the best solution, my dear grey ghost, would be to cut off your nose. It seems that would solve a lot of your travel soucis.