Wednesday, May 03, 2006

A Will for Bill

I don't know what the deal with ResNet and Dakota the Computer is. But I have recently discovered that contrary to what I had believed for all of 2006, my computer is capable of using messenger programs. Just not AIM. Or Skype. Or a lot of Google software, though I haven't tried GooleTalk. Or any other program that people use. But MSN? Oh, Dakota the Computer and ResNet love MSN. And apparently, I can chat with people. Are you on MSN? If so, let's be friends. Because my computer is siding with Microsoft in the new Microsoft-Google Battle of the Monopolizing Giants. (It's like Battle of the Network Stars, but contemporary, and not fun.)

The only MSN friends I have are my wonderful British buddies, who have recently discovered that their conversations were being taken down by me and posted here, pictures included. I do believe they're quite creeped out by the whole thing.

Is that going to deter me, though? I think not.

Elle: We kept thinking up these American sayings that were really crude and vulgar.
Moi: Like what?
Elle: Like, my pants are wet from the rain. Can I take my pants off?
Moi: I'm pretty sure that's inappropriate both ways. We don't just take our trousers off either.

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